ED Signs

Disordered Eating Signs & Symptoms

If you identify with some of the signs and symptoms below, therapy can help.

Do you...

  • feel like you cycle between under-eating and over-eating? 
  • label foods as "good" or "bad" and feel the same based on what you choose?
  • purposely restrict your food, or never allow yourself to be fully satisfied?
  • obsessively track what you eat, or numbers such as calories, macros, etc?
  • experience guilt, shame, or disgust because of food or your body?
  • use behaviors like excessive food cutting or tiny bites to manage anxiety?
  • exercise as a punishment for food, or is exercise conditional based on your intake?
  • have urges to hide your food habits from others?
  • feel a compulsion to eat when you're not hungry, or regularly eat beyond fullness?
  • get anxious about the idea of others seeing you eat, or about eating in public?
  • have an obsessive relationship with the health value of your food choices?
  • struggle to stop thinking about food, exercise or your body?
  • frequently weigh or measure yourself?
  • rely on the scale to inform how you should be eating/moving your body?
  • avoid places or events due to anxiety about what you'll eat or how you'll avoid it?
  • compensate for eating by exercising, vomiting, using laxatives, etc?


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